@extends('notify::layout.app') @section('content')

Connectify Notification

# Basic Usage

From your application, call the flash method with a message and type.

                connectify('success', 'Connection Found', 'Success Message Here');
                connectify('error', 'No Connection Found', 'Error Message Here');

Toast Notification

# Basic Usage

From your application, call the flash method with a message and type.

notify()->success('You have successfully logged in');
notify()->info('You have new subscribers');
notify()->warning('Please charge your mobile phone');
notify()->error('Some error here please try again');

Drake Notification

# Basic Usage

From your application, call the flash method with a message and type.


Smiley Notification

# Basic Usage

From your application, call the flash method with a message and type.

smilify('success', 'You have successfully reconnected');
smilify('error', 'Bad request appear please try again');

Emoticon Notification

# Basic Usage

From your application, call the flash method with a message and type.

emotify('success', 'You have successfully done it!');
emotify('error', 'Bad request appear please try again');